Wednesday, March 11, 2009

挨拶 - あいさつ - aisatsu

こんにちは - koNnichiha

Hello , Hi

おはよう – ohayou

おはようございます- ohayou gozai masu †

Good morning

こんばんは – koNbaNha

Good evening

おやすみなさい -  oyasuminasai

Good night

さようなら – sayounara

Good-bye, bye

じゃ、また - ja, mata

See you later

どうぞ -  douzo


ありがとう – arigatou

ありがとうございます arigatou gozaimasu*

ありがとうございました arigatou gozai mashi ta**

Thank you

どういたしまして - douitashimashite     

Your welcome

すみません - sumimaseN²

すみませんでした - sumimaseN deshita³

Excuse me

ごめんなさい – gomeNnasai


おめでとうございます - omedetou gozai masu


† formal
* (formal) use this phrase when you thank someone for what they just did or are doing.
**(formal) use this phrase when you thank someone for what they did in the past.
² (formal) use this phrase when you are excusing yourself for something you just did or are doing.
³ (formal) use this phrase when you are excusing yourself for something you did in the past.